26 Amazon Organizational Items That'll Help You Get Your Sh*t Together

As you know, we're already more than a month into 2022, and those resolutions you dreamed up when the year was still very fresh are patiently waiting in the wings. I know mine are, at least. For many of us, resolutions often involve getting organized in some capacity. The best motivator, in my opinion, is getting a few shiny and new organizational items on my doorstep.

I'm sure you know where this is going—to the vast inventory of organizational items at Amazon. With a few clicks of the mouse, your New Year's resolution of getting your life together can at least be a little closer to being achieved.

Below, I've rounded up some of my favorite Amazon organizational items for your closet, bathroom, kitchen, desk, and more. The rest is in your hands.

Organizational items Amazon



Being able to actually see your bottles of oil and vinegar is a game changer.

Acrylic storage is always a chic option for the bathroom.

Much better than traditional Q-tip packaging.

This is chic enough to leave on display.

One step closer to storing your snacks like a Kardashian.

Sometimes, getting organized means not losing your sunglasses.

Pro tip: Keep this by your entryway to reduce clutter.

Organizational items Amazon



It's past time to give your hair tools a home.

Fact: Your sweaters don't need to take up valuable closet space during the summer.

As someone with lots of clutter under their kitchen sink, I think I need this.

This nail polish storage solution will make you feel like a pro.

Organizational items Amazon



These are perfect for travel (think makeup-brush storage).

I'm not sure what I did with my kitchen sponge before ordering this, but I'm sure it was no good.

Something for your furry friends since pet-food bags aren't cute.

Not sure what to do with all the random stuff laying around? Put it in here until you figure it out.

This should make it easy to remember what jewelry you have.

This is great for storing loose items on your desk.

These are great for curtailing a chaotic dresser drawer situation.

The wrinkle-free way to store your pants is the only way.