Amelia Quint

Astrology Expert | Columbia, SC


The book that changed my life...

Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman. I love reading biographies of powerful women.

The most amazing meal I've ever had...

It was at F.I.G. in Charleston, South Carolina—one of my favorite cities. The letters in the restaurant’s name stand for “Food Is Good,” and they live up to that promise. The menu featured a sashimi appetizer, a Southern shrimp boil as the entree, and a blood orange sorbet for dessert. I’ll never forget it.

The morning and nighttime routines I swear by...  

Morning: Before I begin any work, I light a candle to signal the official start of business. In the morning, I try to tackle the toughest item of business first instead of letting it loom over my day. Once that’s done, everything else feels a lot lighter.

Nighttime: Having just entered my Saturn Return, I’m deeply devoted to an anti-aging skincare routine and putting down all screens at least twenty minutes before bed. Now that I’m used to it, just starting the ritual cues my body that it’s time to wind down. It works!

The best décor hack I've learned...

Simplify. I once read that you should get dressed, and then remove one accessory. It gives the look space to breathe, and it works for decorating too!

My interior stylist spirit animal is...

Marc Jacobs. I adore his vibrant aesthetic, and we both pull inspiration from pop culture we love.

The Instagram handles I follow religiously are... 

The @thehoodwitch posts the most beautiful crystals. They’re mesmerizing.

This season, my go-to cocktail order is... 

Spiced chai. There’s nothing better than a cup of tea to lift your spirits.

The first lesson I learned as an Adult with a capital A... 

Keeping a budget and tracking all my expenses.

The most surprising thing I learned from a MyDomaine story is...

How to find the perfect balance between life and work. We’re constantly connected, but learning to manage those demands on our time and energy is essential.


Amelia's Stories