These Are the Best Fast-Fashion Stores for Older Women

For any woman who doesn’t think fast-fashion retailers’ youthful offerings are in keeping with her sophisticated taste, we come bearing good news. Topshop’s 50-year-old creative director, Kate Phelan, gave her expert two cents on the subject to The Guardian: “There’s an abiding perception that the high street doesn’t serve older women very well,” she said, “but in my view, it’s better than it has ever been. The choice is huge — whether that’s Topshop, Uniqlo or COS. It’s not one stop that gives you everything you want, more that everybody offers something very different.” She specifically cites Topshop’s Boutique label as where she shops for classic pieces like camel coats and white cotton shirts.

We’re in complete agreement that the classic, sophisticated offerings from these three brands would be perfect additions to any older woman’s closet.

Keep scrolling to shop our picks from Topshop Boutique, COS, and Uniqlo!

What are your favorite fast-fashion retailers? Tell us in the comments below!

Opening Image: Rex USA