This Is Exactly How to Remove Deodorant Stains From Clothing

How to Remove Deodorant Stains


Szymon Brzoska/The Style Stalker

Nothing ruins your favorite little black dress quicker than a streak of deodorant. Depending on the material of the garment and depth of the stain, the best way to remove glaring white streaks can differ. So if a sudden deodorant stain has made an unsuspecting appearance on your favorite item, keep reading. We've gathered five different ways to remove deodorant, some a little more in-depth than others depending on how much time you have at your disposal. Keep in mind that delicate fabrics like silk or anything labeled "dry-clean only," laundering may be best left to a professional.

Hack #1: Try Vinegar

How to Remove Deodorant Stains



One of the best ways to remove deodorant stains is to begin by soaking your garment in white vinegar.

1. Let the item soak for 45 to 60 minutes, and then gently brush the stain with a textured cloth or old toothbrush.

2. Launder the item as you normally would, using hot water.

This is an ideal solution for both white and colorful clothing.

Hack #2: Transfer the Stain

Ways to Remove Deodorant Stains



While it might sound strange, applying a clean sock or nylon stocking to the stain can actually help to remove it.

1. Place the item onto the stained area.

2. Gently rub the stain using firm, circular motions.

3. Wash the clothing as you normally would with a gentle detergent.

Hack #3: Use Baking Soda

Much like vinegar, baking soda is a remarkable cleaning agent for a variety of applications. Thankfully, one of those applications happens to be removing deodorant stains from clothing.

1. Mix three-parts baking soda with one-part water to form a paste.

2. Rub the mixture directly onto the stain.

3. Allow the garment to sit for one to two hours.

4. Launder normally, using hot water.

Hack #4: Try Aspirin

The most unsuspecting stain remedy may be hiding in your medicine cabinet.

1. Crush four to five aspirin tablets.

2. Mix the powder with a small amount of water to create a paste.

3. Apply this to the stain (just as you would with baking soda) and wash the garment as usual.

NOTE: This method is ideal for white clothing, but it can damage the color of dark garments.

Hack #5: Wipe With a Damp Cloth

How to Remove Deodorant Stains From Clothes



For emergency situations, simply wipe a lightly dampened cloth over the surface of the stain. While it won't always work for deeply set stains or certain types of fabrics, this simple hack can be a lifesaver when you're headed out the door and need to remove deodorant stains in a snap. If you use it for white stains on dark clothing, it can make your favorite little black dress look as good as new.

A deodorant-removing sponge can also be a helpful item to have on hand for easy, timely removal, especially for delicate garments.

Up next, read on to see exactly how to get oil stains out of clothing.

This story was published at an earlier date and has been recently updated.