Kim Kardashian West's Baby Girl Is Here! But What Will She Be Called?


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Kim Kardashian West has just announced the birth of her third child with husband Kanye West. Unlike the couple’s previous two children, the baby girl was born via a surrogate after Kardashian West’s previous difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth. Kim wrote her thanks publicly, stating: “We are incredibly grateful to our surrogate who made our dreams come true with the greatest gift one could give, and to our wonderful doctors and nurses for their special care.”

The couple has kept quiet throughout the entire pregnancy, confirming the speculation relatively late in the game, in September. Perhaps they wanted to avoid rumours or publicity surrounding their new baby, but now that she has arrived, we wish they would be a little less secretive.

Other than sharing the news via her website and social media, Kardashian West has remained quiet about the details of their new daughter. Without sharing any photos, or even a name, the couple has left us wanting more details. Granted, it did take them six days before announcing the name of their first born daughter, North, and three before announcing their son Saint's name—so maybe we just need to wait it out.

Kim did brainstorm some baby names on the Ellen Show like “Star” and “Tre”, as well as share that she had guests write potential names on tiles  at the baby shower. Other rumours are that the couple's children will choose the name for their newborn sister. According to Metro UK, Kanye “thinks North is a creative genius and he’s happy to let her name their third child".

Regardless of who names the baby, we’re sure that the Kardashian West family won’t fail to surprise us, as they’ve done before. It’s anyone’s best guess what the name could be—but for now, we’ll just have to rest assured that another unique name is in the works for their new daughter.

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