The Color Combination Winning Over Every Editor Right Now


@himichelleli@emnnita, Sandy Liang, @thatgirlyusra

Sandy Liang is calling and she wants her color palette back. Among all the rich chocolate hues and butter yellows that have taken over our Instagram feeds and shopping carts in preparation for spring, there's one color combination we're head over heels for right now— and not just because Valentines' Day is around the corner. Enter: pink and red. This unlikely combination started to percolate on the street style scene a few seasons back, and now we're seeing the power combo start to gain ground both on our favorite influencers and on the runway.

Bold and energetic, pink and red outfits are the under-the-radar trend that's commanding the attention of our editors. Don't be daunted by the power duo—simply take a look at these approachable ways to incorporate the combo into your own wardrobe ahead spring and shop the pieces you need to achieve the editor-approved look.

On the Runway:


Courtesy of Sandy Liang
On the fashion crowd:



Hero item: sleek coats, corsets, statement bags



Hero item: tank tops, sports-core

Hero item: tights, cardigans, clutches



Hero Item: leather pants, mini bags



Hero Item: playful knitwear, elevated mules

More pink and red items to shop: