Get Ready, Our Street Style Awards Are Back for Fashion Week Australia

This May 9–17, Who What Wear Australia presents its third annual Street Style Awards#TheStreeties, honouring the tastemakers and industry insiders whose style sets the tone and influences the world of fashion today. Last year, Chloe Hill was crowned the winner of the 2017 Street Style Awards for her ability to push boundaries with flair and colour. We can't wait to see what 2018 has in store. 


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Fashion Week Australia is just around the corner, and it goes without saying that we’re getting pretty excited. In addition to seeing what all the best Australian designers will be showcasing this season, there’s something else we’re looking forward to: The street style. If you followed along with our fashion week coverage last year (and the year before), you'll remember our street style awards, #TheStreetiesand the good news is, we’re bringing it back for 2018.

Each day of fashion week, we’ll be showcasing the best street style on Who What Wear Australia to celebrate the best that Australian fashion has to offer. Each day will cover a different category, such as “accessories” or “shoes”so everyday is a new opportunity to shine sartorially.

If you don't live in Sydney, or won't be attending the fashion week shows in person, never fear. This year, we’re also extending participation in #TheStreeties to social media as well. If you wear a great outfit to celebrate fashion week, make sure to tag #TheStreeties in your Instagram post so that it can be considered for the street style awards. So ready or not, it’s time to start planning your outfits. We have a feeling this may be the most stylish year yet.