Hadley Mendelsohn

Editor | San Francisco, California


The most amazing meal I've ever had...

A few years ago I was traveling with my sister, and we ate at De Kas during our stay in Amsterdam. It’s located in a gorgeous greenhouse and all of their vegetables are grown on site.

The book that changed my life...

It's impossible for me to choose just one book! I’m bending the rules and going with my top three life-changers (in no particular order): The Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner, The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy, and if I'm being totally honest, the children's book Clarice Bean, That's Me, by Lauren Child.

The morning and nighttime routines I swear by...  

Morning: I always set my alarm a little earlier than needed, by about twenty minutes. I’m a big fan of lounging, so I bring my cup of coffee into bed while I read theSkimm. Taking my time in the morning allows me to recallibrate before I'm thrusted into the day's responsibilities.

Nighttime: My nightly routine actually looks identical to my morning one, except I opt for a cup of hot water and lemon instead of coffee and funny videos rather than reading the news. And even though we're not supposed to bring our decives to bed, I embrace my nightly research tangent of silly Instagram videos, since getting in a good laugh is my favorite way to fall asleep. 

The best décor hack I've learned...

I dressed up my bare walls with a gallery comprised of cheap posters and prints in more sophitsticated frames. It tricks guests into thinking I'm fancy. Plus, it's a fun, easy way to incorporate your personality into your living space. My favorite is a poster from The Cut, "New York City Women Draw Their Own Breasts," which I elevated with a Framebridge frame.

My interior stylist spirit animal is...

Catherine Kwong's easy elegence for my serious side with a dash of Dr. Lawarence (the eccentric Hawaii-obsessed pyschitraist from Twin Peaks) for my tiki tendencies. 

The Instagram handles I follow religiously are... 

@petracollins@groehrs@vibes, and @jooleeloren

This season, my go-to cocktail order is... 

I always go for a Moscow mule, regardless of the season.

The first lesson I learned as an Adult with a capital A... 

Nike was right, "just do it" is the motto. When I had to move out of my old apartment before finding a new one and start a new job all in the same week, I learned that I couldn't control anything but my own behavior, which is best regulated by clamly tackling the logistics. It all fell into place because I made a to-do list, trusted the process, and put the stress on hold.